Forest Oak

Tree 10 to 20 Metres


Medium to large tree in Eucalypt forests. Fast growing and hardy.
Corky bark and needle-like leaves. Large woody seed cones to 4cm long.

A food source for the Glossy Black Cockatoo.

Natural Habitat: Eucalypt Rainforest

Aspect: Full Sun / Filtered Sun

Soil/Conditions: Adaptable / Well-Drained

Special Features:
• Good Windbreak Plant
• Glossy Black Cockatoo Feed Tree
• Male and Female flowers on separate plants
• Fallen needles form plant excluding mulch
• Aboriginal Food and Tool Source

Garden Styles:

  • Gardening for Biodiversity
  • Birds and Butterflies
  • Coastal Natives

Extra information:

Australian National Botanic garden – Aboriginal Plant Use Trail

Casuarina and Allocasuarina spp. (She-oaks)

The hard wood of she-oak was much used for making boomerangs, shields and clubs. In Wyrie Swamp, South Australia, archaeologists found a boomerang 10,000 years old, made from she-oak wood. Young shoots were chewed to allay thirst, and young cones were also eaten.