Carpobrotus glaucescens (Pigface)

Carpobrotus Screen shot 2015-06-10 at 9.38.42 AM Screen shot 2015-06-10 at 9.37.40 AM

Form:  Prostrate, spreading to 2 metres.

Soil / Conditions: Adaptable / Moist

Aspect: Full Sun


Creeping plant, fleshy grey/green leaves

Large pink flowers September-May.

Excellent for covering bare patches and growing over retaining walls.


Flowers in  Spring to Autumn

Family: Aizoaceae


Special Features:

  • Juice from fresh leaves relieves midge bites & bluebottle stings.
  • Succulent and tasty edible pink fruit (tastes like salty apples). 

Pandanus tectorius (Pandanus)

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Form: Tree to 6-9 metres tall.

Aspect: Full sun.

Soil/Conditions: Adaptable/Well-drained.


Iconic coastal tree.

Architectural features.

Interesting prop roots, many branches, narrow serrated leaves to 1 m long.

Tiny grey flowers and very large bush tucker fruit to 40 cm wide.

Leaves used to make dillybags, etc and fruit can be eaten, although causes throat irritation.

Fruit eaten by crabs and bats.

Family: Pandanaceae