Allocasuarina tortulosa (Forest Oak)

Allocasuarina_torulosa_3  AllocasurinaTorulosa420  220px-Red-tailed_Black_Cockatoo_(Calyptorhynchus_banksii)_on_Casuarina_tree

Form: Tree 10 to 20 metres tall.

Aspect: Full sun/Filtered sun.

Soil/Conditions: Adaptable/Well-drained.


Medium to large tree in Eucalypt forests.

Corky bark and needle-like “leaves”.

Large woody seed come up to 4cm long.

A food source for the glossy black cockatoo.

Prefers soil with at least some good drainage.

Fast growing and hardy.

Family: Casuarinaceae

Special features:

Good windbreak plant.

Glossy black cockatoo feeding tree.

Male and female flowers on separate plants.

Fallen needles for plant-excluding mulch.

Aboriginal food and tool source.

Aotus lanigera (Woolly Aotus)

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Form: Shrub 1-1.5 metre tall & 1 metre wide

Soil: Adaptable

Aspect: Full sun/Filtered Sun


Sprawling, dense shrub.

Common in moister wallum areas.

Yellow pea flowers cover ends of branches.

Occurs naturally in sandy heath areas.

Family: Fabaceae

Special Features:

Good seaside plant

Similar form to coastal rosemary.

Excellent small coastal garden shrub

Corymbia tesselaris (Moreton Bay Ash)

Corymbia tesselaris Corymbia tesselaris Corymbia tesselaris

Form: Tree to 30 metres tall

Aspect: Full sun

Conditions: Adaptable/ Well-drained


Open drooping habit.

Deciduous perennial.

Green, pendulous leaves to 18 cm.

White flowers to 15 mm in Summer.

Light brown woody capsules to 11 mm. 


Special Features:

Attracts birds, especially Lorikeets.

Single white trunk with grey bark at base.

Branches widely at height.

Salt spray tolerant

Dodonaea triquetra (Forest Hop Bush)

Form: Open shrub to 3m tall

Aspect: Full sun

Conditions: Stony clay or sandy soils, amongst boulders


Tiny flowers winter to spring.

Papery 3-wing fruit to 15mm

Can be green pink or purple 

Male and female separate plants


Eucalyptus racemosa (Scribbly Gum)

scr_gum leaf  scr-gum tree


Form: Tree 15-20m on deep sandy soil.

Aspect: Full Sun / Semi-Shade

Soil/Conditions: Coastal lowlands


Leaves alternate,  drooping blue-green, 19cm x 1.5cm. Not to be confused with Eucalyptus haemastoma, with broader and shorter leaves. 

White flowers form between August and September.

Life expectancy > 100 years.

Family: Myrtaceae

Natural Habitat:

Usually on coastal lowlands, but sometimes inland and at higher altitudes.

Special Features:

Bark white, but marked with the “scribbles” of insect larvae

Attracts fauna when in flower for its nectar production. Foliage is browsed by Koalas, however not as readily as E. haemastoma. Very old trees can develop hollow logs which are utilised by a wide range of Australian fauna. Isolated plantings may fail to attract the characteristic Scribbly Gum Moth.

Pultenaea villosa (Hairy Bush Pea)


Form: Shrub 1 t0 1.5 metres tall

Aspect: Full sun

Soil / Conditions: Adaptable

Description: Rounded Shrub

Flowering in Autumn and Spring

Yellow and orange pea flowers.

Prune of a more compact or smaller plant.Family: Fabaceae

Family: Fabaceae

Special Features:  

Bird attracting

Flowers produce nectar which is bush tucker.

Fantastic small coastal garden shrub.

Suited to a well-drained sunny position.