Acacia hubbardiana (Prickly Moses)

Acacia hubbardiana

Form: Shrub 1-2 metre tall by 1 metre wide.

Soil: Adaptable

Aspect: Full sun/Filtered sun


Dainty spreading shrub with reddish branches and fine foliage with tiny triangular leaves.

Ball-shaped pale yellow flowers with a faint sweet perfume in Winter and Spring.

One of the first wildflowers in Spring.

Useful frog pond plant and small bird habitat.  

Tolerates poor drainage. 

Family:  Mimosaceae


Acacia sauveolens (Sweet Wattle)

Acacia sauveolens

Form: Shrub 1 to 2 metres tall 

Soil: Adaptable/Well-drained

Aspect: Full sun/Filtered sun


Bluish, green foliage.

Cream, ball-shaped, perfumed flowers in winter.

Flattened seed pods

Long-flowering and hardy if well drained.

Excellent compact wattle for small gardens.

Family: Fabaceae

Special Features:

Aboriginal food source.

Resistant to salt spray.

Long lasting flowers.


Acacia sophopae (Coastal Wattle)

Acacia longifolia var sophorae.jpg.preview

Form: Shrub prostrate to 3 metre trail.

Soil: Adaptable/Well-drained

Aspect: Full sun


Dense rounded habit.

Evergreen perennial.

Trunk parallel to ground.  

Golden elongated “leaves”. 

Golden yellow 30mm cylindrical flowers in Winter/Spring.  

Green curved seed pod to 8cm, turning brown when ripe, twisting to release seeds.

Family: Mimosaceae


Aboriginal food source

Early settlers used bark for tanning skins

Used to sand stabilisation on beaches.

Acacia ulicifolia (Prickly Moses)

Acacia ulicifolia

Form: Shrub 1 to 2 metres tall 

Soil: Sandy

Aspect: Full sun/Filtered sun


Hardy, compact rounded habit.

Stiff, prickly foliage.

Cream ball-shaped flowers in winter and early Spring.

Flattened seed pods.

Suitable for hedge plant.

Seeds are bush tucker.

Family: Fabaceae


Special Features:

Aboriginal food source.

Long lasting flowers.


Alyxia ruscifolia (Chain Fruit)

Alyxia ruscifolia

Form: Shrub 2-3 metre tall by 1 metre wide.

Soil: Well-drained

Aspect: Full sun/Filtered sun


Stiff, upright shrub with pointed thick leaves.

Perfumed white flowers followed by 10mm orange fruits, often in chains of 2-4.

Loves dappled light or full shade and a sandy or well-drained soil.

Will grow well under larger trees.  

An unusual rainforest species worthy of a sheltered garden. 

Slow growing but tough and hardy.  

Family:  Apocynaceae


Aotus lanigera (Woolly Aotus)

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Form: Shrub 1-1.5 metre tall & 1 metre wide

Soil: Adaptable

Aspect: Full sun/Filtered Sun


Sprawling, dense shrub.

Common in moister wallum areas.

Yellow pea flowers cover ends of branches.

Occurs naturally in sandy heath areas.

Family: Fabaceae

Special Features:

Good seaside plant

Similar form to coastal rosemary.

Excellent small coastal garden shrub

Austromyrtus dulcis (Midyim Berry)

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Austromyrtus dulcis

Form/Size: Shrub 0.5-1 metre tall by 0.8  metre wide

Soil/Conditions: Moist/Well drained

Aspect: Full sun/filtered sun


Spreading habit

Beautiful foliage with bright pink tips.

Profuse delicate white flowers in Spring, followed by delicious white, purple-speckled, sweet fruit.

Great understorey and edging plant. 

Suitable for semi-exposed seaside planting.

Family: Myrtaceae

Special Features: 

Traditional favourite bushfood. 

Attracts birds. 

Takes time to establish.

Will grow down embankments. 

Frost & clay tolerant. 


Banksia oblongifolia (Dwarf Banksia)

Banksia oblongifolia

Form: Shrub 1 metres tall, 1 metre wide

Soil: Well-drained

Aspect: Full sun


Low, spreading habit.

Green serrated-edged leaves.. 

Young foliage is rusty brown.

Yellow-green cylindrical flowers to 10cm long in Autumn/Winter.  

Great flowering shrub in a sunny spot.

Family: Proteaceae

Special Features:

Bird attracting

Flowers produce nectar which is bush tucker

Fantastic small coastal garden plant

Benefits from pruning after flowering

Great edging shrub


Banksia robur (Swamp Banksia)

Banksia robur

Form/Size: Shrub 1.5 metre tall, 1 metre wide 

Soil/Conditions: Adaptable

Aspect: Full sun


Upright spreading habit.

Serrated leathery leaves to 30cm long

Blue-green to lime coloured flower spikes to 20cm long in Dec/May

Prefers wetter areas.

Frost hardy.


Family: Proteaceae


Special Features: 

Interesting seed cones that remain on the shrub.

Iconic architectural plant.

Bird attracting.

Flower produces nectar that is bush tucker

Fantastic coastal garden shrub

Banksia spinulosa (Golden Candlesticks)

banksia spinulosa

Form: Shrub 1.5 to 3 metres tall 

Soil: Adaptable

Aspect: Full sun/Filtered sun


Low spreading shrub.

Spectacular yellow-green cylindrical flower spikes to 15 cm tall.

Flowering occurs in autumn through to Spring.

Seeds in woody cones.

Family: Proteaceae

Special Features:

Bird attracting

Glider attracting

Possum attracting Aboriginal food source

Fantastic garden shrub

Daviesia umbellulata (Bitter Pea)

Daviesia umbellulata

Form: Shrub 2 metres tall 

Soil: Adaptable

Aspect: Full sun/Filtered sun


Sprawling shrub common in wollum woodland areas.

Flowers yellow with red markings in Spring.

Occurs naturally in dry areas.  

Very prickly leaves, open habit. 

Prune for more compact and smaller plant.

Family: Fabaceae

Dillwynia retorta (Heathy Bush Pea, Eggs and Bacon)

dillwynia retorta

Form: Shrub 0.5 to 1.5 metres tall, 1 metre wide

Soil: Adaptable

Aspect: Full sun


Upright (sometimes prostrate) habit.

Needle-like foliage and red & yellow pea-type flowers in profusion in Spring. 

Frost tolerant.

Good rockery plant or ground-cover.  

Great flowering shrub in a sunny spot.

Family: Fabaceae

Special Features:

Prostrate habit.

Can tolerate dry area.

Fantastic small coastal garden plant.


Dodonaea triquertra (Hop Bush)

Dodonaea triquertra

Form: Shrub to 3 metres tall

Soil: Well-drained

Aspect: Full sun/Filtered sun


Open habit.

Attractive glossy leaves.

Green to purple winged seed capsules in Spring
Family: Fabaceae

Special Features:

Can tolerate dry conditions

Good screen plant 


Hakea actites (Wallum Hakea)

Hakea actites

Form: Shrub 2.5 metre tall & 1 metre wide

Soil: Adaptable

Aspect: Full sun/part shade


Erect, multi-branched dense shrub.

10 cm long needle-like foliage.

White to pink Grevillea-like flowers in Winter/Spring

Unusual woody pods.

Hardy special and excellent screening plant.

Family: Proteaceae



Hakea florulenta (Blooming Hakea)

Hakea florulenta

Form: Shrub 1-2 metre tall.

Soil: Moist/well-drained

Aspect: Full sun/Part shade


Variable habit. Usually compact with blue-green lance shaped leaves .

 Clusters of creamy white pleasantly  perfumed flowers in Spring, 2cm slightly warty fruit.

Attracts birds and bees.

Hardy and adaptable, occurs under gum trees.

Family:  Proteaceae



Hovea acutifolia (Purple Pea Bush)

Hovea acutifolia - Bush in Flower

Form: Shrub to 2 metres tall and 1 metre across

Soil: Moist/Well-drained

Aspect: Full sun/Filtered sun


Open habit.

Dark green glossy leaves.

Masses of purple pea flowers in Winter – Spring.

Family: Fabaceae

Special Features:

Bee attracting

Spectacular when flowering

Bird attracting

Young pods edible

Responds well to pruning




Hovea acutifolia (White flowering form)

Hovea acutifolia White - Forest Hovea

Form: Shrub 2 metres tall & 1 metre wide

Soil: Moist/Well-drained

Aspect: Full sun/Filtered sun


Open habit.

Dark green glossy leaves.

Masses of white pea flowers in Winter/Spring
Family: Fabaceae

Special Features:

Bee attracting

Spectacular when flowering

Bird attracting

Young pods edible

Responds well to pruning


Leptospermum liversidgei (Lemon-Scented Teatree)

Leptospermum liversidgei

Form: Shrub 1-2.5 metre tall & 1 metre wide

Soil: Adaptable

Aspect: Full sun


Attractive erect shrub.

Bright green strongly lemon-scented leaves,

Small white or sometimes pink flowers in Summer.

Seeds become woody & remain on plants for

Tolerates poorly drained soils & frost hardy.

Family: Myrtaceae

Special Features:

Great small dense garden shrub.

Suitable near coast.

Leptospermum polygalifolium (Wild May)

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Form: Shrub 2-3 metre tall by 1 metre wide.

Soil: Adapable

Aspect: Full sun/Filtered sun


Rounded shrub with light green leaves and pendulous branches.

Profuse white flowers in Spring and Summer attract birds, bees and other beneficial insects.

Makes a good rockery or screening plant.

Can be pruned.  

Fast growing in the correct position. .

Family:  Myrtaceae

Special features:

Bird and bee attracting

Leaves aromatic when crushed

Good creek bank stabiliser


Melaleuca thymifolia (Thyme Honey Myrtle)

Melaleuca thymifolia

Form: Shrub 1 metre tall 

Soil: Adaptable

Aspect: Full sun


Very popular flowering shrub.

Bright pink, sometimes purple flowers in Spring.

Very hardy, good seaside plant.

Tolerates wet feet.


Family: Myrtaceae


Special Features:

Bird attracting
Bee attracting
Ground parrot habitat
Rockery plant


Melaleuca pachyphylla (Wallum Bottlebrush)

Melaleuca pachyphyllaMelaleuca pachyphylla



Form: Shrub 1-1.5 metres tall 

Soil: Adaptable

Aspect: Full sun


Very hardy small shrub for home gardens.

Bright red flower brushes to 10 cm long in Spring/Summer/Autumn.

Green form also available  

Attracts birds, bees and butterflies. 

Prune for more compact and smaller plant.

Family: Myrtaceae

Special Features:

Good seaside plant

Flowers produce nectar which is bush tucker

Fantastic small coastal garden shrub

Tolerates wet feet


Melastroma malabathricum (Blue Tongue)

SMelastroma malabathricum

Form: Shrub 1-1.5 metres tall 

Soil: Adaptable but prefers moist.

Aspect: Full sun/Filtered sun


Rounded habit.

Attractive green foliage with purple stems. 

Lovely mauve 5-10cm flowers from Spring to Autumn.

Sweet, edible fruit stains tongue blue.  

Family: Melostromaceae

Special Features:

Long flowering

Hardy but frost tender

Attracts Miskin Jewelled butterfly

Responds well to pruning


Oxylobium robustum (Large Shaggy Pea)

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Form/Size: Shrub 2-3 metre tall 

Soil/Conditions: Well drained

Aspect: Full sun/filtered sun


Rounded habit, open shrub with broad-linear leaves and
showy golden-yellow pea flowers in Spring/Summer.

Similar growth habit to Hovea acutifolia.

Frost tolerant. 

Very fast growing.

Prefers good drainage.

Family: Fabaceae

Special Features: 

Powerline friendly


Platylobium formosum (Handsome Flat Pea)


Form: Shrub 1 to 1.5 metres tall

Soil:   Adaptable

Aspect: Full sun/filtered sun 


Stiffly erect or sprawling shrub, heart-shaped dark  green leaves to  5cm long, yellow flowers with red 

markings occur in Autumn to Spring.

Occurs naturally in sandy heath areas.

Family: Fabaceae

Special Features:

Hardy, and suitable for heavy shade.

Bird attracting,

Flower produces nectar which is bush tucker.

Fantastic small coastal garden plant.

Suited to well-drained sunny position.

Psychotria loniceroides (Hairy Psychotria)

Psychotria loniceroides

Form: Shrub 5 metres tall 

Soil: Moist/Adaptable

Aspect: Shade/Semi-shade


Open rounded habit.

Evergreen perennial.

Light green hairy elliptical leaves.  

White flowers to 11 mm in Spring. 

Yellow or white fruit to 8mm.

Family: Rubiaceae

Special Features:

Fruit-earing bird attracting

Understorey shrub

Edible but unpalatable fruit.


Pultenaea villosa (Hairy Bush Pea)


Form: Shrub 1 t0 1.5 metres tall

Aspect: Full sun

Soil / Conditions: Adaptable

Description: Rounded Shrub

Flowering in Autumn and Spring

Yellow and orange pea flowers.

Prune of a more compact or smaller plant.Family: Fabaceae

Family: Fabaceae

Special Features:  

Bird attracting

Flowers produce nectar which is bush tucker.

Fantastic small coastal garden shrub.

Suited to a well-drained sunny position.



Sannantha similis

Sannantha similis

Form: Shrub 2 metres tall 

Soil: Moist/Well-drained

Aspect: Full sun/Dappled shade


Compact/rounded habit.

Small white tea tree-like flowers are about 5 mm in diameter.

Flowering occurs in late Spring to late Summer.

Family: Fabaceae

Special Features:

These are all hardy plants, suited to light or heavy soils as long as drainage is reasonable.

Strangea linearis (Strangea)

Strangea linearis

Form: Shrub 1 metre tall by 80 cm wide.

Soil: Well-drained

Aspect: Full sun/Filtered sun


Stiff, upright shrub to 1 m tall with thick, leathery leaves.

Loves full sun and a sandy or well-drained soil.

Grows very well in dappled light under mature gum trees.  

Very pretty small, white flowers in Spring. 

Woody seed capsules to 7cm long.  

An unusual wallum species worthy of a coastal garden.

Tough and hardy.

Family: Proteaceae

Tabernaemontana pandaqui (Banana Bush)

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Form: Shrub to 2 metres tall 

Soil: Adaptable/Prefers moist

Aspect: Full sun/Semi-shade


Dense rounded habit.


Dark green glossy leaves.

White flowers in Spring and Summer.

Orange banana-shaped fruit to 30mm.

Family: Apocyaceae

Special Features:

Plant is toxic.  Same family as oleander

Wikstromea indica (Bushman’s Bootlaces)

Wikstroemia Indica

Form: Shrub 0.5 to 1 metre tall 

Soil: Adaptable

Aspect: Full sun/Filtered sun


Compact coastal shrub for sun or filtered light.

Dark green foliage.

Pale yellow flowers and shiny bright red berries.

Excellent for exposed coastal gardens.

Both leaves and fruit are toxic.

Family: Thymelaeaceae







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